Sunday, March 20, 2011

List of vegetables that can prevent cancer

broccoli,List of  vegetables that can prevent cancer

Broccoli may protect against colon cancer and breast cancer. According to research, broccoli and other green leaf vegetables are rich in fiber in sugar 'galactose' that can help protect the protein 'lectin' is attached to the colon wall and cause damage.

List of  vegetables that can prevent cancer,tomato

Tomatoes may protect against cancer and heart disease. One of the active element in the tomato is a 'phytochemical lycopene'alleged can prevent the occurrence of cancer. According to the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, people that eat lots of tomatoes can reduce the risk of developing various types of cancer by 40%. In addition, the tomato also have strong enough evidence for prostate cancer, lung and stomach.

Cabbage,vegetables can prevent cancer

Cabbage protects the stomach from the colon cancer and breast cancer because cabbage contain 'glutamine' and 'smethylmethionine'

garlic-and-onions can prevent cancer

Garlic and onions
Controlling high cholesterol, heart attack, fever, cancer and inflammation. Sulfur content of garlic taken regularly can help lower cholesterol and reduce blood clots.

radish can prevent cancer
Reduce the risk of visual impairment, fever and cancer. Radish are rich in beta carotene that can stimulate the immune system and anti cancer.

Red pepper can prevent cancer
Red pepper
Protect from fever and cancer. Red pepper is rich in vitamin C and beta carotene can increase the immune system and protect against everything from fever until cancer.

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