Saturday, March 12, 2011

Benefits of Papaya Leaf | Cancer Cure

Papaya Leaves BenefitsPapaya Leaves

Papaya leaf contain minerals and vitamins (A, C, B complex, B17, vitamin k and E).

-Boiled 2 leaves of papaya with 1 liter of mineral water.
-Letting it boiling and become ½ litre water. Practise 4 hours once.
-1 once drink. 6 a glass a day.. Will help to relieve pain due to cancer and kills cancer cells because it contains B17.

In the book Papaya as Medicine, pages 75-87 the author uses to describe the experiences of patients with cancer (or Kanker in Indonesia), mostly Australia, by drinking boiled papaya leaves.

1.Take 7 a medium size leaves - leaves of papaya are not too old or too young.
2.Wash leaves and drain well.
3.Cut the leaves small as we cut the cabbage.
4.Put the leaves already cut into pot with 2 liters of cold water.
5.Boil slowly until the water boils and becomes a half.
6.Strain and put in glass containers
7.Keep in refrigerator up to 3 or 4 days
8.Drink a 50 ml three times per day.
9.If water already become turbid (cloudy).please throw.

For more Information please refer

Picture Papaya Leaf| | Cancer Cure

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