Thursday, March 31, 2011

Importance of Breakfast

Importance of Breakfast
Breakfast is one of our daily food sources that are considered to help start your day like a race car driver that the engine heat up first in the starting line.

Maybe some of us do not need breakfast by reason, rarely lunch. So of course no one should not have breakfast.Actually, there are things you do not know, with a breakfast can help ensure that you take your daily diet with sufficient nutrients.

Hence breakfast is the most important food in the life of a human every day and should not be ignored.

According to Mary Easaw-John, the research found that children who take a nutritious breakfast can give more focus and helps them improve performance in school.

But how do you encourage children to eat healthy on the early morning?

Based on research and experience Easaw-John to share some important tips to solve the problem.

"The key for parents is to be creative to make the breakfast as a session of fun so children do not want to be left to enjoy it."he said.

According to John Easaw -parents have a big role in determining the proper diet for their children.

'Make sure the children know the importance of taking breakfast and tell them it can help their academic performance in school.'

"Even better, if the parents can become role models, together with breakfast with the children. Way is able inculcating the habit to take a nutritious breakfast,"he added.

He said again,cereals have low fat,high in vitamins, minerals, fiber and carbon hiderat.According bijrin have low fat, high in vitamins, minerals, fiber and carbon hiderat. When mixed with milk it can added calcium content, which is an important mineral in the growth of healthy bones and teeth.

"Taking a breakfast cereal, this is one of fastest and best choice when you want fast in the morning,''he said."he said.

Easaw-John was one of the leading nutritional experts also spoke about the lack of time for breakfast.

"Allocate time for breakfast is a key to a healthy life.If you want to save time, trying to prepare the breakfast table at the night before, although only cereal and juice for breakfast".

You can added with variety fruits and nuts.If you want added he palatability.

Breakfast cereals such as Nestle breakfast cereals are very nutritious, easily available and a delicious breakfast options. In addition to protein content and carbon hiderat it also contains 10 vitamins and minerals including calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Everything is an important resource for optimal growth of a child. Lack of nutrients can have a negative impact on the performance of children and make them difficult to focus.

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